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Tiger Lou

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Mi, 14.02.24
Cassiopeia, Berlin

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During 2017 I found myself at an impasse. The life I’d known for 20+ years was over and I had no idea how to be me without it. Newly divorced with two small children, living alone for the first time since I was a kid, not knowing what couch to buy, what color to paint the walls with or how the go on my first ever date. These moments, or acts – to some the worst of dreads, to others revolutionary – are often connected with all kinds of creativity as you’re trying to figure things out. During this, I ended up writing an abundance of exploratory music, nonlinear and poignant, concise and direct, not knowing what the hell I was doing or even why.

Someone said “The reason why a lot of people won’t become who they want, is because they’re too attached to who they’ve been”. I guess that’s how I felt — stuck in between who I thought I was and who I wanted to be. Sentimental and transformative at the same time. Were my flaws actually talents, or just a few of the many sides of my personality? Could I actually accept me for me and move on to the next chapter. The next act. Music became a place of meditation, solace and pleasure, and a way of trying to answer some of these questions. That’s why the new album is called Acts. That’s why it sound like it does.
It’s a record about moving on while being still.

Acts is the fifth (and sixth) album by Tiger Lou. It is an honest and beautiful amalgamation of 20+ years of musical exploits, mainly recorded in Kellerman’s home, with additional recordings at Atlantis Studios by Niklas Lindström and Matching Heads by Rolf Klinth. Both records were mixed by Sean Beavan (Nine Inch Nails, Guns N’ Roses, Marilyn Manson and Depeche Mode) at The Grey Room.

Guitarist Mathias Johanson left the band some years ago, Erik Welen was busy with school, so Kellerman and Levahn went at it alone but together. Since “The Wound Dresser” Pontus has recorded with his wife Nina Kinert, played with Mattias Alkberg, gone on comeback tours with 90’s indie rockers Starmarket and maybe most importantly giving life to and recorded three albums with his metal band Horndal. Rasmus found Love and keeps busy wrestling his kids while writing new music.