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So, 13.11.22
Kupfersaal, Leipzig

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OPEN the new album by the extraordinary Berlin-based composer and pianist Lambert will be released on MAY 13th by Mercury KX.

“There is a chance. Being open can lead the way. It is contradictory that someone wearing a mask is telling that, but still that would be a bad reason for disagreeing.” 

Lambert is a singular talent whose bold vision and compositional flair is informed as much by pop music and wider culture as it is by any classical repertoire. From 2017’s stunning Sweet Apocalypse, a masterful collection of orchestral works concerned with locating moments of beauty amid the dystopian future humanity is fast racing towards, to acclaimed True album (nominated for an Opus Klassik award in Germany) and the haunting, delicate Alone and Alone II EPs, and his mysterious False Album, Lambert has created his own, spellbinding sonic language that stirs the soul and inspires the mind. In parallel Lambert’s live shows have become essential events, evenings of mystique, humour and wonder as Lambert’s trio’s dazzling musicianship is performed while wearing matching horned Sardinian masks. By turns hypnotic, sombre, and enchanting, he excels at creating moods and mesmerising the listener; a deep sense of drama often gives way to an enigmatic playfulness, colourful melodies skippin g lightly through his songs.